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- 搭乘 Volcanic Air 的水上飞机探索罗托鲁瓦地区,听取当地飞行员导游的详尽解说
- 8 分钟的飞行体验让您体验乘坐水上飞机起飞和降落的惊险刺激,同时欣赏罗托鲁瓦的全景
- 15 分钟的 Crater Lakes Flight 提供隐藏的湖区、远处的火山和当地地热活动的壮观景色
- 塔拉威拉山和怀曼古火山谷体验飞越新西兰记忆中最大的火山喷发地点,了解地貌如何变化并查看火山喷发轨迹
- 塔拉威拉山和怀特岛探险展示了新西兰唯一的永久活火山,欣赏岛上火山口湖的壮丽景色,然后继续前往塔拉威拉山
- 塔拉威拉山 (Mount Tarawera) 和奥拉基科拉科探险者 (Mount Tarawera and Orakei Korako Explorer) 将带您领略广阔的火山裂谷、珍贵的湖泊,并在奥拉基科拉科 (Orakei Korako) 登陆,体验温泉、喷涌的间歇泉和这个地热仙境的自然美景
Soar above Crater Lakes for a breathtaking panorama that paints nature's masterpiece in vivid hues of blue and green
Marvel as an otter gracefully skims Lake Rotorua, creating ripples that mirror the tranquility of this scenic wonder
Witness the raw power of nature at the Inferno Crater, where molten forces shape the earth's canvas with fiery intensity
Glide over Rotorua Lakefront and Sulfur Bay, a captivating aerial dance that reveals the stunning juxtaposition of water and earth
Embark on an adventure in the Cessna Floatplane, where every journey is a seamless blend of excitement and scenic splendor
Explore the mystical allure of White Island, a volcanic gem surrounded by the azure waters of the Pacific
Traverse the surreal terrain of Orakei Korako, where geysers and silica terraces create a landscape that defies imagination
Delve into the captivating wonders of Orakei Korako once more, where the Earth's geothermal wonders come to life
Unwind amidst the natural elegance of Rotoiti Hotpools, a hidden oasis nestled in the heart of New Zealand's volcanic landscape
Soar in a Squirrel Helicopter, where each aerial adventure promises a thrilling perspective of nature's most breathtaking creations
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